You may have noticed that several elements within the Kulea interface refer to "working days".  

1. When sending a staggered campaign, you can choose to send it out over a course of days, working days, or weekends.

2. When configuring waits within the journey planner, within conditional waits, filter waits and hard waits, you also have the option of waiting N working days

Historically, the definition of a working week has been pretty clean cut.  It's Monday to Friday, 9am to 17:30pm. 

However, these days, with people working flexible hours, the working week, has also, by necessity, become more flexible.  

For that reason, you can configure an account's working week within Kulea, ensuring that emails only get dispatched on the days that the sender is in the office to respond to them,

Simply go to your account settings, and check/uncheck the days your team work.  Simple.