
Returns a list of Kulea Events. This list can be filtered against event types and event dates.


Example URL 

Please note, due to the huge amount of behavioural data available within Kulea, unfiltered event calls will not return results. Please specify call filters when constructing the GET parameters when placing the call. 


  • Authorization (Mandatory String <API-KEY>) - Example: afeWER£4q3

Query String

The presence of a query string will allow contacts to be filtered accordingly. Some examples are:

  • eventtypes is mandatory and allows filtering against specific event types.  Example eventtype=addedcrm,importedcrm will return all events where the event type is either addedcrm or importedcrm
  • dtfrom and dtto allow you to filter between dates when the events were generated e.g. dtfrom=20170201-133212, will search for all events generated after 01/02/2017 13:32:12.

The list below highlights the different types of filters:

  • eventtypes (Mandatory <eventtype1>,<eventtype2>...) Example: addedcrm,pagevisit
  • dtfrom (Optional String <yyyyMMdd-HHmmss>) - Example: 20170204-130530
  • dtto (Optional String <yyyyMMdd-HHmmss>) - Example: 20170205-130530

NOTE: The eventtypes query string parameter can be anything from the following list of events: pagevisit, genericformcomplete, emopened, emclickedlink, thirdpartypagevisit, emdelivery, embounced, resourcedownload, genericformview, formcomplete, thirdpartyformcomplete, thirdpartyresourcedownload, buttonclicked, thirdpartybuttonclicked, thirdpartynewsubscriber, thirdpartynewregistration, newsubscriber, newregistration, formview, thirdpartyformview, linkclicked, thirdpartylinkclicked, importedcrm, emunsubscribe, addedcrm, changedcrm, mergedcrm, apiimportedcrm, apimergedcrm, journeychangedcrm

Response (application/json)

Response will be a json object with the following fields:

  • success - if true then request was successful; otherwise failed.
  • reason - only shown if success is false and indicates the reason of failure.  Example mandatory eventtypes parameter missing.
  • count - represent total number of events returned
  • events- jsonArray representation of each Kulea event

Example (GET https://{{MA2ID}}

"success": true,
"count": 10,
"events": [
"date": "20170629-191335",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967657
"date": "20170629-193828",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967658
"date": "20170629-193909",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967659
"date": "20170629-194004",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967660
"date": "20170629-194301",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967661
"date": "20170701-001905",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967662
"date": "20170701-002001",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967663
"date": "20170701-002135",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967664
"date": "20170725-141901",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967667
"date": "20170726-143431",
"type": "addedcrm",
            "description": "",
"crm_id": 4294967668