Archives an existing Kulea Contact record based on ID. It will set the archive status to true for the Contact and as a result will not be visible within Kulea (unless un-archived).
- Archive contact with id=:id - DELETE https://{{MA2ID}}
NOTE: Once a contact is archived their subscribed status is also set to false. Archived records will not be editable via the REST API.
- Authorization (Mandatory String <API-KEY>) - Example: afeWER£4q3
Response (application/json)
Response will be a json object with the following fields:
- success - if true then request was successful; otherwise failed.
- reason - only shown if success is false and indicates the reason of failure. Examples of failure might be if the id doesn't exist.
- crm_id - If success then returns the crm_id that was updated.
"success": true,
"crm_id": 4294967668