Maybe you have an unsubscribe list from MailChimp that you need to import? Maybe you have a list of customers that you are no longer allowed to contact via email? Whenever you have a group of contacts you need to tell Kulea never to email - a suppression will unsubscribe the records on that list you import...
1) Upload your excel .xlsx file and follow the steps (much the same as importing your contacts)
Remember, for these contacts, you only need one column in this spreadsheet as you only need their email address
3) You can choose whether to Suppress all CRM record (updating the existing records in your Kulea CRM) or Suppress any new CRM records only (Ignoring any matches to existing records) or Just suppress any matching CRM records (ignoring any new ones on the list)
4) Now everyone in Kulea with a red envelope is unsubscribed. No emails can be sent to contacts with a red email envelope.
You can manually archive individual records if you only have a select few to unsubscribe or remove from your mailings:
Archive and unarchive contacts: